We’ve been workin’ on planting lately, and we finally got some poking through the soil! I am so excited. I have been watering them and pampering them everyday, except for that brief time after I had them planted where I forgot to water them for about ознакомиться что необходимо посмотреть в Питере a week. Don’t judge. I am very forgetful, wait what was I saying? Oh, plants. We use a variety of brands. Last year, at the end of planting season we bought some from Atwoods on sale. We had also bought some organic ones at TSC and Atwoods and some Baker Heirloom Seeds from a local landscaper.
This is how we plant, messy and everywhere.
I also got to plant some herbs, which are now starting to poke through the soil. We decided to try planting them in egg cartons, which we have plenty of. We go through about 2-3 dozen eggs a week. We make a lot from scrtach. Before we started planting we bought some organic soil from TSC.
I am proud they are getting so tall. We are about to go plant some of them in the garden and some in pots. We got some blackberry bushes from TSC and are going to plant those soon. Don’t worry, I’ll take pictures.
Do you have a garden? What have you planted this year?

I love egg carton seed starters! Ooooh, this has me all excited! Spring is around the corner! Yay!
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the #SHINEbloghop). I hope you’ll join us again tomorrow!
Wishing you a lovely evening.
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom recently posted…65 Science Materials You Can Find Around the House
Your garden starts look great! I love that you’re using egg cartons for your starter pots.
Thanks for sharing at Waste Not Want Not Wednesday!
Elise @frugalfarmwife.com recently posted…No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake
Looks great! Your seedlings are way taller then mine!
Thanks for linking up with Green Thumb Thursday. I’d love for you link up again this week!
lisa m recently posted…Green Thumb Thursday!
Howdy. We have put our potato, radishes onions and carrots in the ground. Also some cabbage plants but the frost bit the cabbage a bit. They will come out of it but frost slows them down so. The ones we plant a little later overtake the frost bitten ones every year.
That sounds delicious! We are going to try and plant our potatoes soon. Thanks for commenting!